NBA preseason, the Mavericks lost 116-121 to the Grizzlies. After the game, Mavericks head coach Kidd was interviewed by reporters.
When asked about Hardaway's performance in this game, Kidd said, "He made the right choices. He started the game and had some good opportunities from the beginning. But what I liked was his constant engagement in the game. He had high energy, and I think his voice was also important. He was constantly communicating on the court. We all know he can score, but he's also creating opportunities, despite some mistakes, he's still trying to make the right choices."
In this game, Hardaway performed well, playing 34 minutes, making 6 of 16 shots, 6 of 10 three-pointers, and 3 of 4 free throws, scoring a game-high 21 points, 9 assists, 3 rebounds, and 3 steals. Although he had 4 turnovers, his +/- value was +4.
沃特斯:雷霆出品的追夢者 自信且技藝嫻熟
字母哥第三節25分 大洛稱:他是世界最佳球員 我還能說什麼
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太陽老板期望杜蘭特提前續約 長期效力直至退役
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小寶全力衝鋒 李月汝加盟土耳其豪門女籃 場均20.3分9.1籃板
比肩詹姆斯科比 克內克特單場命中9記三分成為湖人歷史第四人
保羅:從巴恩斯身上獲益匪淺 很高興他加入我們
沃特福德:卡梅隆-約翰遜的表現非常優秀 並不意外
蘇群:凱爾特人以三分換兩分 策略助力多勝騎士十幾個三分球
希爾德稱追夢是贏家 願承擔輸球責任 這一舉動令人敬佩
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記者稱約基奇小時候常裝病躲避訓練 隊友訓練時他在旁邊訓馬
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