黑神话:悟空" is finally at the top of IGN's annual game rankings after one month of release, thanks to the enthusiastic promotion and voting by overseas players. A player from a foreign forum posted a triumphant declaration: "IGN lost, we won!"
About two weeks ago, a foreign player on the Black Myth: Wukong subreddit shared IGN's annual game voting. At that time, Black Myth: Wukong was only ranked fifth. He believed that the game deserved a higher ranking, so he posted the IGN poll on the foreign forum, quickly attracting a large number of overseas players' attention.
One player wrote, "If I don't wear this robe, how would sentient beings know me? The karmic bond has been severed, the golden seas have dried up?" The comment section had two sides: one side believed that IGN's rating was just for fun, and even if we lose in the vote count, as long as we know in our hearts that Black Myth: Wukong is the Game of the Year (GOTY), it's enough. The other side of players believed that we should fight back with our votes and show IGN the true voice of the players; otherwise, IGN will continue to be biased.
Soon, the vote count for "Black Myth: Wukong" rose to 53,000, with a 72.8% vote rate for GOTY, surpassing "Elderly Circle." However, there is still a significant gap compared to "FF7: Remake," which has 160,000 votes and a 77.9% vote rate. Many players on the foreign forum continued to vote on IGN's official website.
Today, the Reddit user posted again, saying, "Brothers, we won!" Accompanying the post was the clown emoji with IGN.
-I know that it's difficult for us to be in the lead, but please remember that this is just an award (the "robe") from a media outlet (IGN) that has lost our respect. The true value of Black Myth: Wukong lies in the millions of people who enjoy the game!
-As a gamer, this is the most satisfying outcome. IGN really tried hard to suppress the rise of Black Myth: Wukong, but it's indeed the best game I've played this year (even better than "Elderly Circle" DLC). I'm on my third playthrough now and still haven't grown tired of it!
-IGN must realize that they are the real losers!
Some users brought up past grievances:
-IGN will delete the poll, just like what they did to "Death Stranding."
我是一家命途多舛的俱樂部 G2官推回顧近期各分部戰績 杯中無金桂
謹慎挑選陣容應對變動 上屆杭州亞運會LOL國家隊經歷調整
PC版《GTA5 增強版》正式發售首日在線玩家突破18萬
亞洲LOL次級職業賽事亞洲大師賽即將開幕 10支LDL戰隊角逐三大賽區大戰
約翰·塞納分享GTA6海報 引發玩家猜測他將參與遊戲
迪麗熱巴加盟周星馳創作執導的影片《少林女足》 定於深圳開拍準備就緒
第二賽段加油 AL賽後發文 今日被擊碎的必將化為最堅韌的鱗片
JDG戰隊眾成員分享告別首個賽段感想 Scout表示方向對了 Missing認為磨合還需加強
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