19th September - Reports have recently emerged regarding the official English broadcast talent list for the 2024 League of Legends World Championship, which has caused some controversy among the community. The North American LCS boasts six representatives, the LEC has seven, while the LCK, including translator Chisun, only has two. Surprisingly, there are no representatives from the LPL in the English broadcast talent list, leading to disappointment and frustration amongst fans.
Chronicler and Atlus have received deserved recognition, but it is disappointing that Valdes, Wolf (note: not the former SKT support player), and aux were not included. It is worth mentioning that I strongly supported the idea of Valdes and Wolf casting the League of Legends World Cup. Valdes is one of my favorite commentators, yet Riot Games has not shown him the respect he deserves.
As for Nymaera, an LPL English caster, they express their hope that one of their colleagues will have the opportunity in the future. They are sad to be unable to continue telling the story of the LPL teams, but genuinely take pride in the coverage they have provided so far. Fans express their gratitude for the wonderful coverage of the LPL this year.
One fan, who usually refrains from commenting, cannot understand why the LPL's English broadcast talent was overlooked. They wake up at 4 am in Chile to watch LPL and LCK matches, just like the LCK casters, and they believe that the LPL casters work hard and do their best. They find it infuriating that there seems to be no valid reason to disregard the LPL's English broadcast talent.
Another fan raises the point that this is a recurring issue, stating that they do not need six LCS casters. They point out that LPL and LCK usually perform better in international competitions, yet not a single caster from either region was selected.
Unfortunately, it appears to be a regional issue. Hysterics, for example, has been unable to be part of the Worlds English broadcast for years. However, after leaving the LPL broadcast team and joining the LEC, he immediately gets the opportunity. It seems that Riot Games has some animosity towards the LPL English casters, considering them a burden.
It is truly astounding that Riot Games has not included a single LPL English caster in their lineup. To make matters more perplexing, these casters actually reside in Europe. Additionally, it is suspected that most of the LPL English broadcasters commentate from the comfort of their own homes.
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