NBA Western Conference Finals Game 2 ended with the Mavericks narrowly defeating the Timberwolves with a score of 109-108, leading the series 2-0. After the game, Mavericks star Irving gave an interview to reporters.
When asked about Doncic's performance in the game, Irving said, "I've been giving Doncic advice and guidance because when I retire, if Doncic hasn't retired yet, he'll be going through his own career just like I am now. He'll be accepting everything in his own way."
Irving continued, "Being able to pass on the knowledge and wisdom that I've gained to Doncic, and encouraging him to do better than me, is a wonderful thing. I hope my experience can help Doncic, and I hope to pass on this knowledge and wisdom in my own way. It means a lot to me."
In this game, Doncic played for 41 minutes and 27 seconds, making 10 of 23 field goals, including 5 of 11 three-pointers. He also made all 7 of his free throw attempts, scoring an impressive 32 points, 10 rebounds, and 13 assists. Irving played for 39 minutes, making 7 of 16 field goals, including 4 of 7 three-pointers. He scored 20 points, grabbed 4 rebounds, and dished out 6 assists, with 1 steal.
The Mavericks are off to a strong start, and with the mentorship of Irving, Doncic is showing great potential. It's exciting to see how their partnership will continue to develop and the impact they will have on the team. Basketball fans are eagerly anticipating the next game in this thrilling series.
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